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Cerere Vip Free
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Cerere Vip Free
Ma puteti ajuta cu un plugin vip free pentru cs 1.6 non stop pentru toti jucatori
dmt- Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin un grup.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 4000 de puncte!Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 10 subiecte !Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 25 posturi !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !
Pet : Test
Mesaje : 26
Puncte : 31480
Multumiri primite: : 7
Data de înscriere : 03/05/2023
Re: Cerere Vip Free
- Cod:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <engine>
#include <fun>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <colorchat>
#define PLUGIN "Vip"
#define VERSION "1.0a"
#define AUTHOR "Alexandru+Stefan+Dunno"
#define SCOREATTRIB_DEAD ( 1 << 0 )
#define SCOREATTRIB_VIP ( 1 << 2 )
//new bool:g_iRunda[ 33 ], bool:g_iRound[ 33 ];
new Cvar_VIP
new Runda_Arme = 3
new bool: Activare = false
new Contor = 0
new g_szMessage[256]
new const g_szBeginning[ ] = "Membrii VIP"
const PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT_SUM = (1<<CSW_SCOUT)|(1<<CSW_XM1014)|(1<<CSW_MAC10)|(1<<CSW_AUG)|(1<<CSW_UMP45)|(1<<CSW_SG550)|(1<<CSW_GALIL)|(1<<CSW_FAMAS)|(1<<CSW_AWP)|(1<<CSW_MP5NAVY)|(1<<CSW_M249)|(1<<CSW_M3)|(1<<CSW_M4A1)|(1<<CSW_TMP)|(1<<CSW_G3SG1)|(1<<CSW_SG552)|(1<<CSW_AK47)|(1<<CSW_P90);
new mkb,mhb,cvar_vip_maxhp,cvar_vip_maxap,cvar_hp_kill_premium,cvar_ap_kill_premium,cvar_hp_kill_classic,cvar_ap_kill_classic,cvar_vip_jump
new cvar_tag,cvar_vip_in_out,jumpnum[33], bool: dojump[33],cvar_vip_showC,cvar_vip_showH,SyncHudMessage
public plugin_init () {
register_plugin ("PLUGIN", "VERSION", "AUTHOR")
new MapName[32]
if(MapName[0] == 'a' && MapName[1] == 'w' && MapName[2] == 'p')
register_clcmd("say /vip", "vip_info")
register_clcmd("say /vips", "print_adminlist")
RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "cmdSpawn", 1)
register_event("DeathMsg", "eDeathMsg", "a")
register_logevent("RoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start")
register_message(get_user_msgid( "ScoreAttrib" ), "MessageScoreAttrib")
Cvar_VIP = register_cvar("amx_vip" , "0")
cvar_vip_in_out = register_cvar("amx_vip_in_out", "1")
cvar_tag = register_cvar("amx_vip_tag", "VIP")
cvar_vip_jump = register_cvar("amx_vip_jump", "1" )
cvar_hp_kill_premium = register_cvar("amx_vip_addhp", "15")
cvar_ap_kill_premium = register_cvar("amx_vip_addap", "10")
cvar_hp_kill_classic = register_cvar("amx_vip_addhp", "10")
cvar_ap_kill_classic = register_cvar("amx_vip_addap", "10")
cvar_vip_maxhp = register_cvar("amx_vip_maxhp", "100")
cvar_vip_maxap = register_cvar("amx_vip_maxap", "100")
mkb = register_cvar("money_kill_bonus","300")
mhb = register_cvar("money_hs_bonus","500")
cvar_vip_showC = register_cvar("amx_vip_show_chat", "1")
cvar_vip_showH = register_cvar("amx_vip_show_hud", "1")
set_task( 1.0, "TaskDisplayVips", _, _, _, "b", 0 )
SyncHudMessage = CreateHudSyncObj( )
public TaskDisplayVips( )
static iPlayers[ 32 ];
static iPlayersNum;
get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "ch" );
if( !iPlayersNum )
return 1;
static iVipsConnected, szVipsNames[ 128 ], szName[ 32 ];
formatex( szVipsNames, sizeof ( szVipsNames ) -1, "" ); // Is this needed ?
iVipsConnected = 0;
static id, i;
for( i = 0; i < iPlayersNum; i++ )
id = iPlayers[ i ];
if( get_user_flags( id ) & ADMIN_GOLD )
get_user_name( id, szName, sizeof ( szName ) -1 );
add( szVipsNames, sizeof ( szVipsNames ) -1, szName );
add( szVipsNames, sizeof ( szVipsNames ) -1, "^n" );
formatex( g_szMessage, sizeof ( g_szMessage ) -1, "%s ( %i )^n%s",
g_szBeginning, iVipsConnected, szVipsNames );
set_hudmessage( 25, 255, 25, 0.01, 0.25, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1 );
ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, SyncHudMessage, g_szMessage );
public print_adminlist(user)
new tag[32];
get_pcvar_string(cvar_tag, tag, charsmax(tag));
new adminnames[33][32];
new message[256];
new id, count, x, len;
for(id = 1 ; id <= get_maxplayers() ; id++)
if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_GOLD || get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_SILVER)
get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], charsmax(adminnames[ ]));
len = format(message, 255, "^3[%s] ^1VIP-ii online sunt:^4 " ,tag);
if(count > 0)
for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++)
len += format(message[len], 255-len, "%s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"");
if(len > 96)
print_message(user, message);
len = format(message, 255, " ");
print_message(user, message);
ColorChat(0, GREEN, "^3[%s] ^1Nu sunt ^4VIP^1-i online.", tag);
print_message(id, msg[])
message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), {0,0,0}, id);
public MessageScoreAttrib(iMsgID, iDest, iReceiver) // Display VIP pe TAB
new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int(1);
if(is_user_connected( iPlayer )
&& (get_user_flags( iPlayer ) & ADMIN_GOLD))
set_msg_arg_int(2, ARG_BYTE, is_user_alive(iPlayer) ? SCOREATTRIB_VIP : SCOREATTRIB_DEAD);
public in(id)
new tag[32], name[32];
get_pcvar_string(cvar_tag, tag, charsmax(tag));
get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name));
if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_GOLD || get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_SILVER)
ColorChat(0, GREEN, "^3[%s] ^1VIP: ^4%s ^1s-a conectat.", tag, name);
public out(id)
new tag[32], name[32];
get_pcvar_string(cvar_tag, tag, charsmax(tag));
get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name));
if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_GOLD || get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_SILVER)
ColorChat(0, GREEN, "^3[%s] ^1VIP: ^4%s ^1s-a deconectat.", tag, name);
public client_connect(id) {
if(get_pcvar_num(Cvar_VIP) !=0 && !(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_SILVER))
set_user_flags(id,get_user_flags(id) + 262144)
public client_PreThink(id)
new BUTON = get_user_button(id)
new OLDBUTON = get_user_oldbutton(id)
new JUMP_VIP = get_pcvar_num(cvar_vip_jump)
if((BUTON & IN_JUMP) && !(get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND) && !(OLDBUTON & IN_JUMP))
if(((get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_GOLD) && (jumpnum[id] < JUMP_VIP)))
dojump[id] = true
if((BUTON & IN_JUMP) && (get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND))
jumpnum[id] = 0
public client_PostThink(id)
if(dojump[id] == true)
new Float: velocity[3]
entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
velocity[2] = random_float(265.0, 285.0)
entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
dojump[id] = false
public client_putinserver(id)
set_task(2.0, "in", id)
jumpnum[id] = 0
dojump[id] = false
public client_disconnect(id)
set_task(2.0, "out", id)
jumpnum[id] = 0;
dojump[id] = false;
public vip_info(id)
show_motd(id, "/addons/amxmodx/configs/vip_info.html");
public eDeathMsg()
new id_Killer = read_data(1);
new VIP_MAXHP = get_pcvar_num(cvar_vip_maxhp);
new VIP_MAX_HP = get_user_health(id_Killer);
new VIP_MAXAP = get_pcvar_num(cvar_vip_maxap);
new VIP_MAX_AP = get_user_armor(id_Killer);
if(get_user_flags(id_Killer) & ADMIN_GOLD && read_data(3) == 0)
set_user_health(id_Killer, get_user_health(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(cvar_hp_kill_premium));
set_user_armor(id_Killer, get_user_armor(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(cvar_ap_kill_premium));
cs_set_user_money(id_Killer,cs_get_user_money(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(mkb))
if(get_user_flags(id_Killer) & ADMIN_GOLD && read_data(3) == 1)
set_user_health(id_Killer, get_user_health(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(cvar_hp_kill_premium));
set_user_armor(id_Killer, get_user_armor(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(cvar_ap_kill_premium));
cs_set_user_money(id_Killer,cs_get_user_money(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(mhb))
if(get_user_flags(id_Killer) & ADMIN_SILVER && read_data(3) == 1 && !(get_user_flags(id_Killer) & ADMIN_GOLD))
set_user_health(id_Killer, get_user_health(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(cvar_hp_kill_classic));
set_user_armor(id_Killer, get_user_armor(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(cvar_ap_kill_classic));
cs_set_user_money(id_Killer,cs_get_user_money(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(mhb))
if(get_user_flags(id_Killer) & ADMIN_SILVER && read_data(3) == 0 && !(get_user_flags(id_Killer) & ADMIN_GOLD))
cs_set_user_money(id_Killer,cs_get_user_money(id_Killer) + get_pcvar_num(mkb))
set_user_health(id_Killer, get_pcvar_num(cvar_vip_maxhp));
set_user_armor(id_Killer, get_pcvar_num(cvar_vip_maxap));
public Gold ( id )
if (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_GOLD)
GoldMenu( id );
g_iRunda[id] = true
Chat_Color(id, "%sNu ai acces la aceasta comanda",GoldTag)
return 1;
return 0
public Silver ( id )
if (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_SILVER)
SilverMenu( id )
g_iRound[id] = true
Chat_Color(id, "%sNu ai acces la aceasta comanda",SilverTag)
return 1;
return 0
public GoldMenu( id )
Chat_Color(id, "%sAi folosit deja odata,incearca runda urmatoare",GoldTag)
return 1
static menu;
menu = menu_create ("\yVIPMENU\r Gold","menu_gold");
menu_additem ( menu,"\w M4A1\r +\w Deagle +\rGrenades","1", ADMIN_GOLD)
menu_additem ( menu,"\w AK47\r +\w Deagle +\rGrenades","2", ADMIN_GOLD)
menu_additem ( menu,"\w AWP\r +\w Deagle +\rGrenades","3", ADMIN_GOLD)
menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\y");
menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
menu_display ( id, menu, 0 );
return 0;
public menu_gold ( id, menu, item )
if ( item == MENU_EXIT )
menu_destroy ( menu );
return 1;
new data [ 6 ], szName [ 64 ];
new access, callback;
menu_item_getinfo ( menu, item, access, data, charsmax ( data ), szName, charsmax ( szName ), callback );
new key = str_to_num ( data );
switch ( key )
case 1:
give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_FLASHBANG, 2)
give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit")
give_item(id, "item_thighpack")
give_item ( id,"weapon_deagle" );
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 );
give_item ( id,"weapon_m4a1" )
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );
case 2:
give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_FLASHBANG, 2)
give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit")
give_item(id, "item_thighpack")
give_item ( id,"weapon_deagle" );
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 );
give_item ( id,"weapon_ak47" )
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 )
case 3:
give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_FLASHBANG, 2)
give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit")
give_item(id, "item_thighpack")
give_item ( id,"weapon_deagle" );
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 );
give_item ( id,"weapon_awp" )
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AWP, 30 )
menu_destroy ( menu );
return 1;
public cmdSpawn(id) {
if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_GOLD && is_user_alive(id)) {
GoldMenu( id )
else if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_SILVER && is_user_alive(id))
SilverMenu( id )
if(get_pcvar_num(Cvar_VIP) !=0 && !(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_SILVER))
set_user_flags(id,get_user_flags(id) + 262144)
public SilverMenu ( id )
/* if(g_iRound[id])
Chat_Color(id, "%sAi folosit deja odata,incearca runda urmatoare",SilverTag)
return 1;
static menu;
menu = menu_create ("\yVIPMENU\r Silver","menu_silver");
menu_additem ( menu,"\w M4A1\r +\w Deagle +\rGrenades","1", ADMIN_SILVER)
menu_additem ( menu,"\w AK47\r +\w Deagle +\rGrenades","2", ADMIN_SILVER)
menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\y");
menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
menu_display ( id, menu, 0 );
return 0;
public menu_silver ( id, menu, item )
if ( item == MENU_EXIT )
menu_destroy ( menu );
return 1;
new data [ 6 ], szName [ 64 ];
new access, callback;
menu_item_getinfo ( menu, item, access, data, charsmax ( data ), szName, charsmax ( szName ), callback );
new key = str_to_num ( data );
switch ( key )
case 1:
give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_FLASHBANG, 2)
give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit")
give_item(id, "item_thighpack")
give_item ( id,"weapon_deagle" )
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 )
give_item ( id,"weapon_m4a1" )
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 )
case 2:
give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang")
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_FLASHBANG, 2)
give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit")
give_item(id, "item_thighpack")
give_item ( id,"weapon_deagle" )
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35 )
give_item ( id,"weapon_ak47" )
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_AK47, 90 )
menu_destroy ( menu );
public RoundStart( )
if(Contor >= Runda_Arme)
Activare = true
stock Chat_Color(const id, const input[], any:...)
new count = 1, players[32]
static msg[191]
vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4")
replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1")
replace_all(msg, 190, "!team", "^3")
if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (is_user_connected(players[i]))
message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i])
stock drop_weapons(id, dropwhat)
static Weapons[32], Num, i, WeaponID;
Num = 0;
get_user_weapons(id, Weapons, Num);
for(i = 0; i < Num; i ++)
WeaponID = Weapons[i];
if((dropwhat == 1 && ((1 << WeaponID) & PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT_SUM)) || (dropwhat == 2 && ((1 << WeaponID) & SECONDARY_WEAPONS_BIT_SUM )))
static DropName[32], WeaponEntity;
get_weaponname(WeaponID, DropName, charsmax(DropName));
WeaponEntity = fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, DropName, id);
set_pev(WeaponEntity, pev_iuser1, cs_get_user_bpammo (id, WeaponID));
engclient_cmd(id, "drop", DropName);
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, WeaponID, 0);
Aici ai un plugin de vip gold si silver , poti pune vip gold cu bani si vip silver sa fie free.
Flagul pentru vip-ul gold este "t" iar cel pentru vip-ul silver este "s"
Meniurile de arme cuprind asa:
Vip Gold:
Vip Silver:
Pentru a avea acces toti la flagul de vip silver "s" se modifica in amxx.cfg din fisierul config amx_default_access "z" in loc de "z" inlocuim cu "s" , sper ca te-am ajutat. Imi lasi reply daca doresti doar plugin de vip simplu.
mindfreak.- Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 150 de posturi !Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin 4 grupuri.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de mulțumireFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când oferi o mulțumire !Medalie de apreciereFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 1 mesaj apreciat !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 15000 de puncte!Utilizatori urmăriți !Felicitari ! Urmărești 5 membrii !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !Medalia prietenieiFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 15 de prieteni !Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 175 de subiecte !
Pet :
Mesaje : 338
Puncte : 28784
Multumiri primite: : 105
Data de înscriere : 24/10/2022
Varsta : 26
Re: Cerere Vip Free
vreau unul simplu dar sa fie pentru toti free fara nimic care sa fie premiu pentru restul
eu am avutu unul si puneam in amxx.cfg asa vip_free_start "07"
vip_free_end "07"
eu am avutu unul si puneam in amxx.cfg asa vip_free_start "07"
vip_free_end "07"
dmt- Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin un grup.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 4000 de puncte!Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 10 subiecte !Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 25 posturi !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !
Pet : Test
Mesaje : 26
Puncte : 31480
Multumiri primite: : 7
Data de înscriere : 03/05/2023
Re: Cerere Vip Free
dmt a scris:vreau unul simplu dar sa fie pentru toti free fara nimic care sa fie premiu pentru restul
eu am avutu unul si puneam in amxx.cfg asa vip_free_start "07"
vip_free_end "07"
Functiona intre orele respective?
mindfreak.- Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 150 de posturi !Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin 4 grupuri.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de mulțumireFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când oferi o mulțumire !Medalie de apreciereFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 1 mesaj apreciat !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 15000 de puncte!Utilizatori urmăriți !Felicitari ! Urmărești 5 membrii !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !Medalia prietenieiFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 15 de prieteni !Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 175 de subiecte !
Pet :
Mesaje : 338
Puncte : 28784
Multumiri primite: : 105
Data de înscriere : 24/10/2022
Varsta : 26
Re: Cerere Vip Free
da functiona dar am vrut aseara sa fac pe alt server unul de zombie si am pus pe servarul cel clasic si am pierdut to si nu le mai gasesc
dmt- Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin un grup.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 4000 de puncte!Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 10 subiecte !Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 25 posturi !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !
Pet : Test
Mesaje : 26
Puncte : 31480
Multumiri primite: : 7
Data de înscriere : 03/05/2023
Re: Cerere Vip Free
Am inteles incearca pluginul asta:
Flagul vipului este "t"
Compileazal si vezi daca merge , este pentru acces vip intre orele 19-10 iar pentru pluginul de vip compileaza asta:
Meniul armelor se dezactiveaza automat pe harti de tip awp_ , aim_ , 35hp , cs_
In fisierul lang creezi un document text cu numele vip.txt il deschizi si adaugi asta in el:
Apoi salvezi.
Flagul vipului este "t"
- Cod:
#include <amxmodx>
new const vip_time[] = {19, 10};
new g_sync, cvar_freevip, g_maxplayers;
new vip_free = 0;
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Vip Free", "4.0", "cyby");
set_task(60.0, "check_time", _, _, _, "b");
set_task(1.0, "hud_mess", _, _, _, "b");
cvar_freevip = register_cvar("vip_free", "0");
g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers();
g_sync = CreateHudSyncObj();
set_task(1.0, "check_time");
register_clcmd("say /timevip", "time_remain");
public client_putinserver(id)
if(!(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG))
new flags = get_user_flags(id);
flags |= VIP_FLAG
set_user_flags(id, flags);
public cached_vars()
vip_free = get_pcvar_num(cvar_freevip);
public check_time()
new o;
time(o, _, _);
if(o >= vip_time[0] || o < vip_time[1])
vip_free = 1;
set_pcvar_num(cvar_freevip, 1);
ColorChat(0, "^4[WARFACE.RO]:^1 Eventul^4 - VIP GRATUIT -^1 s-a activat chiar in acest moment.");
if(o < vip_time[0] && o >= vip_time[1])
vip_free = 0;
set_pcvar_num(cvar_freevip, 0);
ColorChat(0, "^4[WARFACE.RO]:^1 Eventul^4 - VIP GRATUIT -^1 s-a dezactivat chiar in acest moment.");
for(new i = 1; i <= g_maxplayers; i++)
if(!is_user_connected(i) || get_user_flags(i) & VIP_FLAG)
public time_remain(id)
case 1: ColorChat(id, "^4[WARFACE.RO]:^1 Eventul^4 - VIP GRATUIT -^1 se sfarseste in:^4 %s.", time_left_vip());
case 0: ColorChat(id, "^4[WARFACE.RO]:^1 Eventul^4 - VIP GRATUIT -^1 incepe in:^4 %s.", time_left_vip());
public hud_mess()
set_hudmessage(random(256), random(256), random(256), 0.00, 0.17, 0, 1.1, 1.0);
ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_sync, "[WARFACE]: Event VIP FREE ON.");
// metoda drastica dar n-am cf, sa mearga si la baietii ce au reload admins la 5 secunde sau la cine stie cat.
new flage;
for(new i = 1; i <= g_maxplayers; i++)
if(!is_user_connected(i) || get_user_flags(i) & VIP_FLAG)
flage = get_user_flags(i);
flage |= VIP_FLAG
set_user_flags(i, flage);
stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...)
new count = 1, players[32]
static msg[191]
vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4") // Green Color
replace_all(msg, 190, "!n", "^1") // Default Color
replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3") // Team Color
if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (is_user_connected(players))
message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players)
stock time_left_vip()
new timp_ramas[16], len = 0;
new h, m, lh, lm;
time(h, m, _);
case 1:
new l = vip_time[1];
if(h > l)
l += add_time(h) + h;
lh = l - h;
case 0: lh = vip_time[0] - h;
lm = 60 - m;
if(lm < 60)
if(lh > 0)
len += formatex(timp_ramas[len], charsmax(timp_ramas) - len, "%d or%s", lh, lh == 1 ? "a" : "e");
if(lm < 60)
len += formatex(timp_ramas[len], charsmax(timp_ramas) - len, " %d minut%s", lm, lm == 1 ? "" : "e");
return timp_ramas;
stock add_time(x)
new j;
case 0: j = 24;
case 1: j = 23;
case 2: j = 22;
case 3: j = 21;
case 4: j = 20;
case 5: j = 19;
case 6: j = 18;
case 7: j = 17;
case 8: j = 16;
case 9: j = 15;
case 10: j = 14;
case 11: j = 13;
case 12: j = 12;
case 13: j = 11;
case 14: j = 10;
case 15: j = 9;
case 16: j = 8;
case 17: j = 7;
case 18: j = 6;
case 19: j = 5;
case 20: j = 4;
case 21: j = 3;
case 22: j = 2;
case 23: j = 1;
if(x < vip_time[1])
j = 0;
return j;
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1049\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
Compileazal si vezi daca merge , este pentru acces vip intre orele 19-10 iar pentru pluginul de vip compileaza asta:
- Cod:
/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio
Original creator: Dunn0
Remade by: Unkolix
Changelog by me, Unkolix:
v5.4.5 - MotD correction, should work perfectly now. + auto contact info + price in motd.
v5.4.4 - A new cvar to control how to show online vip list. vip_list 0/1/2. off/chat/motd. Thanks to alicx
v5.4.3 - Edited all cvars, vip_ prefix added. color_msg now changes /vips colors and vip info color.
v5.4.2 - Added a cvar for vip price show: amx_vipprice "price"
v5.4.1 - Renewed amx_contactinfo cvar, now it will be shown when player types /vips and in want vip MotD.
v5.4.0 - If files awpmapnames.ini and mapnames.ini are missing, they are automatically created.
v5.3.9 - MotD improvement, no need for other .txt files. Example taken from: souvikdas95
v5.3.8 - Fixed double grenade throw bug, thanks to ConnorMcLeod.
v5.3.7 - Now you can control the menu number colors with menu_num_color 0/1/2/3.
v5.3.6 - Fixed C4 not showing on players back.
v5.3.5 - Not using anymore, color stock instead! Small error fix. New cvar colored_text_message - control the printed message color.
v5.3.4 - Now changing VIP models with Fakemeta module. Tag Mismatch fix.
v5.3.3 - Grenades fix. Optimization.
v5.3.2 - VIP models added, controled by a cvar vip_models 1/0
v5.3.1 - Added error message if files awpmapnames.ini and mapnames.ini doesn't exist. Another way not to allow non VIP players
to pick up snipers, thanks to SeriousSpot.
v5.3.0 - Terrorists won't get defuse kits now. New bullet damage system (took from Sn!ff3r).
A lot of optimization and fixes, thanks to aaarnas. 2 new cvars, bulletdamage_recieved, bulletdamage
v5.2.9 - Multi-lingual "Back." menu item added.
v5.2.8 - Fixed menu choices after death and on new round.
v5.2.7 - Now you can easily change the flag wich gives all the abilities. Thanks to quilhos. Line: 95
v5.2.6 - Multi-lingual want vip MotD added
v5.2.5 - Small sniper pickup fix
v5.2.4 - Now players won't lose their defuse kits after taking weapons from menu
v5.2.3 - Fixed flashed bug, a little change on motd window
v5.2.2 - Fixed player_menu_info error
v5.2.1 - Not using stripweapons include anymore, just to get rid of that shield bug.
v5.2 - Several fixes, optimization. New cvar to control if only VIP's can pick up snipers.
v5.1 - Fixed shield bug.
v5.0 - Multi-lingual added!
v4.9.2 - New cvar, awp_active. 1 - VIP can get AWP choice; 0 - cann't
v4.9.1 - AWP choice improvement. New Cvar, awp_menu_round, set the round from which VIP can see AWP choice.
v4.8 - Fixed VIP menu dilsplay after player death. Thanks to vitorrossi.
v4.7 - Fixed fading bug/glitch that was removing flashbang effect. Thanks to ConnorMcLeod.
v4.6 - Fixed log error. Thanks to wickedd.
v4.5 - OPTIMISATION, thanks to Backstabnoob.
v4.4 - New Cvars awp_ct and awp_tr, how mant counter-terrorists and terrorists must be in each team to get AWP choice in VIP menu
v4.3 - New feature, AWP only from sertain amount of players. Thanks to Emp`.
v4.2 - Added new Cvar, vip_menu_uses. Thanks to Erox902.
v4.1 - mapnames and awpmapnames consts are now readed from 2 files, awpmanames.ini and mapnames.ini. Thanks to fysiks.
v4.0 - New feature, awp an't be used in maps that are mentioned in awpmapnames const. UPDATE: awpmapnames.ini
v3.9 - Added new menu item, AWP.
v3.8 - Improved v3.7 update. Thanks to Bugsy.
v3.7 - New feature, VIP menu can't be shown on maps which are listed in mapnames const. UPDATED: mapnames.ini
v3.6 - Small part is rewrited with drekes help, he made
v3.5 - Fixed triple VIP message. Thanks jimaway!
v3.4 - Fixed a bug/glitch which didn't let player to have AWP, even on awp maps! Now, they can't buy it, but if they find it, they can have it.
v3.3 - Completely remade menu
v3.2 - Fixed a bug/glitch when all VIP players was getting defuse kit on all maps. Now only on maps which has bombsites and only for CT. Thanks ConnorMcLeod
v3.1 - Added commands to call VIP menu. Thanks Stereo!
Changelog by original author Dunn0:
Updates on 3.0version
Granates bug fixed, give it when round starts only. Removed hamsandwich module becouse i removed event witch was usualess.
Updates on 2.06version
Fixed C4 Planting just need'ed remove 1 simbol... Remove'd AWP pick up now only VIP can buy awp and non VIP can pick up it from ground. Fixed Bug whit menu was giving in first round I changed some events and it works just fine.
Updates on 2.05version
Was not working /wantvip , /vips command it got fixed. Was removed "pickup_active 1" cvar (couse was to much commands in registrations. Was removed some useless commands. Now changed that Only VIPS can buy awp weapons but normal players can pick up awp if VIPS drop it.
Updates on 2.04version
Menu Fixed now it always shows only from 3rd round. Nades , armor will give when u spawn not from round start. Some small fixes on Event_curweapons.
Add cvar pickup_active 1 so now if u write pickup_active 0 not vips will can pick up AWP weapons just wont be able to buy.
Updated at 2.03version
Repaired C4 bug now u can plant it
Updated at 2.02version
Repaired C4 bug
UPDATE's at 2.01version
Well i add'ed 2 new cvar's becouse people was asking it
First is "menu_active 1" so now u can turn off menu when u will one.
Second is "sniper_active 1" well if u will do it 0 all people will can buy awp.
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fun>
#define PLUGIN "VIP Plugin"
#define VERSION "5.4.5"
#define AUTHOR "Unkolix"
#define MAXPLAYERS 32 + 1
#define g_Buffer 1536
#define find_ent_by_class(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, %1, "classname", %2)
static const COLOR[] = "^x04" //green
const m_flFlashedUntil = 514;
const m_flFlashedAt = 515;
const m_flFlashHoldTime = 516;
const m_flFlashDuration = 517;
const m_iFlashAlpha = 518;
const m_flFlashDuration = 517;
new gMenuUsed[33];
new money_per_damage, money_kill_bonus, money_headshot_bonus;
new health_add, health_hs_add, health_max;
new nKiller, nKiller_hp, nHp_add, nHp_max;
new g_sniper_active, g_menu_active, g_map_active, g_awp_active, awp_active;
new g_menu_uses, g_awp_ct, g_awp_tr, g_menu_round, g_awp_menu_round, g_sniper_pickup;
new map_active, CT, TR, menu_round, awp_menu_round, menu_uses;
new CurrentRound;
new bool:g_bHasBombSite;
new bool:g_freezetime;
new bool:bAwpMap = false;
new bool:g_bCurrentMapIsInList = false;
new bool:g_bCurrentAWPMapIsInList = false;
new bool:g_bRoundEnd;
new iTCount, iCTCount;
new g_type, g_enabled, g_recieved, bool:g_showrecieved, g_hudmsg1, g_hudmsg2;
new g_models_enabled, models_enabled;
new const VIP_CT[] = "vip_ct";
new const VIP_CT_MODEL[] = "models/player/vip_ct/vip_ct.mdl";
new const VIP_TR[] = "vip_tr";
new const VIP_TR_MODEL[] = "models/player/vip_tr/vip_tr.mdl";
new player_model[33][32];
new bool:g_model[33];
new g_color_msg, color_msg, g_menu_number_color, menu_number_color;
new g_vips_list, vips_list;
new const vipmenu[][] =
//Commands to call VIP menu
"say /vipmenu", "say vipmenu", "say_team /vipmenu", "say_team vipmenu", "say vmenu", "say_team vmenu"
new const VIPweapons[][] =
//Weapons which normal players can't pick up.
"awp", "sg550", "g3sg1"
new const wantvip[][] =
//Command to call wantvip.txt motd window
"say /wantvip", "say wantvip", "say_team /wantvip", "say_team wantvip",
"say /noriuvip", "say noriuvip", "say_team /noriuvip", "say_team noriuvip",
"say /chciecvip", "say chciecvip", "say_team /chciecvip", "say_team chciecvip",
"say /willenvip", "say willenvip", "say_team /willenvip", "say_team willenvip",
"say /vouloirvip", "say vouloirvip", "say_team /vouloirvip", "say_team vouloirvip"
new const vipguns[][] =
"weapon_awp", "weaopn_g3sg1", "weapon_sg550"
public plugin_init()
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0");
register_logevent("LogEvent_RoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start" );
register_logevent("LogEvent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End");
register_logevent("LogEvent_GameCommencing", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Game_Commencing");
register_event("DeathMsg", "hook_death", "a", "1>0");
register_event("Damage", "on_damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0");
RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwHamPlayerSpawnPost", 1);
RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "weaponbox", "fw_TouchWeapon");
RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "armoury_entity", "fw_TouchWeapon");
register_forward(FM_SetClientKeyValue, "fw_SetClientKeyValue");
register_forward(FM_ClientUserInfoChanged, "fw_ClientUserInfoChanged");
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof vipmenu; i++)
register_clcmd(vipmenu[i], "cmdvipmenu") //Checks const vipmenu, that is above plugin_init
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof VIPweapons; i++)
register_clcmd(VIPweapons[i], "HandleCmd") //Checks const VIPweapons, that is above plugin_init
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof wantvip; i++)
register_clcmd(wantvip[i], "ShowMotd")
register_clcmd("say /vips","print_adminlist") //If someone says /vips it starts the function print_adminlist
register_cvar("vip_contactinfo", "contact info here", FCVAR_SERVER)
register_cvar("vip_price", "your price here", FCVAR_SERVER)
money_per_damage = register_cvar("vip_money_per_damage","3") //How many $ VIP will get per 1 damage
money_kill_bonus = register_cvar("vip_money_kill_bonus","200") //How many $ VIP will get per kill
money_headshot_bonus = register_cvar("vip_money_hs_bonus","500") //How many $ VIP will get per head shot kill
health_add = register_cvar("vip_hp", "5") //How many hp VIP will get per kill
health_hs_add = register_cvar("vip_hp_hs", "10") //How many hp VIP will get per head shot kill
health_max = register_cvar("vip_max_hp", "100") //How many hp VIP can have in total
g_sniper_active = register_cvar("vip_sniper_active", "1") //Who can buy SNIPERS? 0 - everyone, 1 - only VIP
g_menu_active = register_cvar("vip_menu_active", "1") //Will VIP get VIP menu? 0 - won't get the menu, 1 - will get the menu.
g_map_active = register_cvar("vip_map_active", "1") //VIP menu works on the maps in mapnames.ini? 0 - Yes (VIP will get VIP menu), 1 - No
g_awp_active = register_cvar("vip_awp_active", "1") // 1 - VIP can get AWP choice; 0 - cann't
g_menu_uses = register_cvar("vip_menu_uses", "1") // How many times VIP can use VIP menu per round?
g_awp_ct = register_cvar("vip_awp_ct", "5") //How many counter terrorist must be in a team to AWP choice show up
g_awp_tr = register_cvar("vip_awp_tr", "5") //How many terrorist must be in a team to AWP choice show up
g_menu_round = register_cvar("vip_menu_round", "2") //Round from which VIP will get VIP menu
g_awp_menu_round = register_cvar("vip_awp_menu_round", "3") //Round from which VIP will get AWP choice
g_sniper_pickup = register_cvar("vip_sniper_pickup", "1") //0 - everyone can pickup snipers, 1 - only VIP
g_recieved = register_cvar("vip_bulletdamage_recieved","1") //0 - bullet damage disabled, 1 - show damage done, 2 - show damage done, but not via wall
g_type = register_cvar("vip_bulletdamage","1") // Enable or disable showing recieved damage
g_models_enabled = register_cvar("vip_models", "0") //0 - VIP models disabled, 1 - enabled.
g_color_msg = register_cvar("vip_colored_text_message", "1")// Print /vips and info about vip text. 1 - colored, 0 - normal
g_menu_number_color = register_cvar("vip_menu_number_color", "0") //0 - red, 1 - yellow, 2 - white, 3 - grey.
g_vips_list = register_cvar("vip_show_list", "3") // /vips show. 0 - off, 1 - chat message, 2 - motd window.
g_hudmsg1 = CreateHudSyncObj()
g_hudmsg2 = CreateHudSyncObj()
if( find_ent_by_class(-1, "func_bomb_target") || find_ent_by_class(-1, "info_bomb_target") ) //Checks if the map has bombsite
g_bHasBombSite = true; //If the map has bombsite it is set to true
register_dictionary( "vip.txt" );
public plugin_cfg()
map_active = get_pcvar_num (g_map_active); //Gets the value of g_map_active
awp_active = get_pcvar_num (g_awp_active); //Gets the value of g_awp_active
CT = get_pcvar_num (g_awp_ct); //Gets the value of g_awp_ct
TR = get_pcvar_num (g_awp_tr); //Gets the value of g_awp_tr
menu_round = get_pcvar_num (g_menu_round);
awp_menu_round = get_pcvar_num (g_awp_menu_round);
menu_uses = get_pcvar_num (g_menu_uses);
models_enabled = get_pcvar_num(g_models_enabled);
color_msg = get_pcvar_num(g_color_msg);
menu_number_color = get_pcvar_num(g_menu_number_color);
vips_list = get_pcvar_num(g_vips_list)
new szmapnames[128], szData[32], szCurrentMap[32], szawpmapnames[128];
format( szmapnames, 128, "addons/amxmodx/configs/mapnames.ini" )
server_print("[VIP] File %s is missing!", szmapnames);
server_print("[VIP] File %s is created.", szmapnames);
write_file(szmapnames, "awp_")
write_file(szmapnames, "cs_deagle")
write_file(szmapnames, "knf_")
write_file(szmapnames, "1hp_")
write_file(szmapnames, "aim")
get_configsdir(szmapnames, charsmax(szmapnames)); // Get the AMX Mod X configs directory (folder).
add(szmapnames, charsmax(szmapnames), "/mapnames.ini"); // Add your filename to the filepath.
get_mapname(szCurrentMap, charsmax(szCurrentMap)); // Get the current map.
new f = fopen(szmapnames, "rt"); // Open the file.
while( !feof(f) ) // Loop until it finds the End Of the File (aka EOF).
fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData)); // Get all text from current line.
trim(szData); // Trim off the new line and carriage return characters.
if( containi(szCurrentMap, szData) != -1 ) // Check if the current map is equal to the map listed on this line.
g_bCurrentMapIsInList = true; // Set boolean to true so that you know if the map was in the file.
break; // Stop looping (reading the file) because you found what you came for.
fclose(f); // Close the file.
format( szawpmapnames, 128, "addons/amxmodx/configs/awpmapnames.ini" )
server_print("[VIP] File %s is missing!", szawpmapnames);
server_print("[VIP] File %s is created.", szawpmapnames);
write_file(szawpmapnames, "2x2")
write_file(szawpmapnames, "3x3")
write_file(szawpmapnames, "4x4")
write_file(szawpmapnames, "cs_max")
write_file(szawpmapnames, "aim")
//Now lets check if current map is in awpmapnames.ini
get_configsdir(szawpmapnames, charsmax(szawpmapnames)); // Get the AMX Mod X configs directory (folder).
add(szawpmapnames, charsmax(szawpmapnames), "awpmapnames.ini"); // Add your filename to the filepath.
get_mapname(szCurrentMap, charsmax(szCurrentMap)); // Get the current map.
new f = fopen(szawpmapnames, "rt"); // Open the file.
while( !feof(f) ) // Loop until it finds the End Of the File (aka EOF).
fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData)); // Get all text from current line.
trim(szData); // Trim off the new line and carriage return characters.
if( containi(szCurrentMap, szData) != -1 ) // Check if the current map is equal to the map listed on this line.
g_bCurrentAWPMapIsInList = true; // Set boolean to true so that you know if the map was in the file.
break; // Stop looping (reading the file) because you found what you came for.
fclose(f); // Close the file.
public plugin_precache()
if(models_enabled == 1)
public event_new_round(id)
g_freezetime = false; // Freeze time has ended, so lets set it to false
g_enabled = get_pcvar_num(g_type)
if(get_pcvar_num(g_recieved)) g_showrecieved = true
public LogEvent_RoundStart(id)
g_freezetime = true;
g_bRoundEnd = false;
gMenuUsed[id] = 0;
iTCount = 0;
iCTCount = 0;
new players[32], player, pnum;
get_players(players, pnum, "a");
for ( new i; i < pnum; i++ )
switch( cs_get_user_team( players[i] ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: iTCount++;
case CS_TEAM_CT: iCTCount++;
for(new i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
player = players[i];
if (!get_pcvar_num(g_menu_active))
if( CurrentRound >= menu_round && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG )
public LogEvent_RoundEnd()
g_bRoundEnd = true;
public Event_RoundRestart(id)
public LogEvent_GameCommencing(id)
public hook_death()
new hp_added[64];
// Killer id
nKiller = read_data(1)
if ( (read_data(3) == 1) && (read_data(5) == 0) )
nHp_add = get_pcvar_num (health_hs_add)
nHp_add = get_pcvar_num (health_add)
nHp_max = get_pcvar_num (health_max)
// Updating Killer HP
if(!(get_user_flags(nKiller) & VIP_FLAG))
nKiller_hp = get_user_health(nKiller)
nKiller_hp += nHp_add
// Maximum HP check
if (nKiller_hp > nHp_max) nKiller_hp = nHp_max
set_user_health(nKiller, nKiller_hp)
// Hud message "Healed +15/+30 hp"
if(nKiller_hp < nHp_max)
format(hp_added, sizeof(hp_added), "%L", nKiller, "HP_ADDED")
set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.15, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1)
show_hudmessage(nKiller, hp_added, nHp_add)
// Screen fading
if(!get_user_flashed(nKiller)) //Checks if user is not flashed
message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), {0,0,0}, nKiller)
public death_msg()
if(read_data(1)<=MAXPLAYERS && read_data(1) && read_data(1)!=read_data(2)) cs_set_user_money(read_data(1),cs_get_user_money(read_data(1)) + get_pcvar_num(money_kill_bonus) - 300)
public on_damage(id)
static attacker; attacker = get_user_attacker(id)
static damage; damage = read_data(2)
set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.45, 0.50, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1)
ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_hudmsg2, "%i^n", damage)
case 1: {
set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1)
ShowSyncHudMsg(attacker, g_hudmsg1, "%i^n", damage)
case 2: {
set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1)
ShowSyncHudMsg(attacker, g_hudmsg1, "%i^n", damage)
public Damage(id)
new weapon, hitpoint, attacker = get_user_attacker(id,weapon,hitpoint)
if(attacker<=MAXPLAYERS && is_user_alive(attacker) && attacker!=id)
if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG)
new money = read_data(2) * get_pcvar_num(money_per_damage)
if(hitpoint==1) money += get_pcvar_num(money_headshot_bonus)
cs_set_user_money(attacker,cs_get_user_money(attacker) + money)
public fwHamPlayerSpawnPost(id)
gMenuUsed[id] = 0; //Make sure that VIP didn't use VIP menu on his spawn
if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG)
if(!g_bCurrentMapIsInList) //Checks if map is not the one written in mapnames.ini, if user is alive and if e has flag H
give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade"); //Gives HE grenade
give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang"); //Gives FB grenade
give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang"); //Gives BF grenade
give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade"); //Gives SG grenade
give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit"); //Gives armor
if(g_bHasBombSite && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT) //Checks if current map has bombsite
give_item(id, "item_thighpack"); //Gives defuse kit
if(models_enabled == 1)
if(cs_get_user_team(id) & CS_TEAM_T)
copy(player_model[id], sizeof(player_model), VIP_TR)
new currentmodel[32];
fm_get_user_model(id, currentmodel, sizeof currentmodel - 1);
if(!equal(currentmodel, player_model[id]))
fm_set_user_model(id, player_model[id])
else if(cs_get_user_team(id) & CS_TEAM_CT)
copy(player_model[id], sizeof(player_model), VIP_CT)
new currentmodel[32];
fm_get_user_model(id, currentmodel, sizeof currentmodel - 1);
if(!equal(currentmodel, player_model[id]))
fm_set_user_model(id, player_model[id])
public fw_TouchWeapon(weapon, id)
if (!get_pcvar_num(g_sniper_pickup)) //Checks if g_sniper_pickup is disactivated (set to 0)
return PLUGIN_CONTINUE //If it is, let players pick up snipers
if (!is_user_alive(id) || get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG)
static classname[32]
pev(weapon, pev_classname, classname, charsmax(classname))
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof vipguns; i++)
if (g_bCurrentMapIsInList && equal(classname, vipguns[i]))
//Sends a message that snipers are only for VIP
client_print(id, print_center, "%L", id, "SNIPER_ONLY_FOR_VIP")
public fw_SetClientKeyValue(id, infobuffer, key[], value[])
if (g_model[id] && equal(key, "model"))
public fw_ClientUserInfoChanged(id, infobuffer)
if (!g_model[id])
new currentmodel[32];
fm_get_user_model(id, currentmodel, sizeof currentmodel - 1);
if(!equal(currentmodel, player_model[id]))
fm_set_user_model(id, player_model[id])
public cmdvipmenu(id)
if ( is_user_alive(id) )
if( get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG )
if ( CurrentRound < menu_round )
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_ROUND", menu_round ); //Sends a message that VIP can use VIP menu only from specific round
if ( map_active == 1 ) //Checks if map_active is 1
if( g_bCurrentMapIsInList ) //Checks if current map is in mapnames list
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_WRONG_MAP" ); //Sends a message that VIP can't use VIP menu on that map
if ( gMenuUsed[id] >= menu_uses )
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_PER_ROUND", menu_uses ); //Message that VIP can only take VIP menu few time that is set as VIPUsed
if ( !g_freezetime ) //Checks if freezetime is not over yet and if user is alive and he has flag H
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_ONLY_FROM_ROUND_START" ); //Message that's set in vipplugin.txt as VIP_MENU_ONLY_FROM_ROUND_START
if(g_freezetime) //Checks if freezetime is over
if ( gMenuUsed[id] < menu_uses ) //Checks if VIP has already used VIP menu before, the amount of times we set as VIPUsed
if( CurrentRound >= menu_round ) //Checks if current round is more or equal to the round that is set as VIPMenuRound
if (!get_pcvar_num(g_menu_active)) //Checks if g_menu_active is disactivated (set to 0)
return PLUGIN_CONTINUE //If so, VIP won't get VIP menu
Showrod(id) //Shows VIP menu
else // If user doesn't have VIP_FLAG
PrintText(id) //Sets a task in 0.1 seconds and starts PrintTect
else if( get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG ) //Checks if user is death and he have VIP_FLAG
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_MUST_BE_ALIVE" ); //Sends a message that VIP must be alive to use VIP menu
else //If user is death and doesn't have VIP_FLAG
PrintText(id) //Prints PrintText
public Showrod(id)
if (get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG) //Checks if player has flag H
if (map_active) //Checks if map_active is 1
if( g_bCurrentMapIsInList ) //Checks if current map is in mapnames.ini, if so print the message and cancels the menu showup
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_WRONG_MAP" ); //Sends a message that VIP can't use VIP menu on that map
return; //Stop VIP from getting the VIP menu
if( g_bCurrentAWPMapIsInList ) //Checks if map is in awpmapnames.ini
bAwpMap = true //If so sets bAwpMap to true, so AWP choice would work in maps that are in awpmapnames.ini
new newmenu[64], choice_1[64], choice_2[64], choice_3[64]
format(newmenu, sizeof(newmenu), "%L", id, "NEW_MENU"); //Shows a menu message that's set in vipplugin.txt as NEW_MENU_PRIMARY
new menu = menu_create(newmenu, "Pressedrod"); //Creates menu that's in Pressedrod
format(choice_1, sizeof(choice_1), "%L", id, "MENU_CHOICE_1"); //Shows a menu message that's set in vipplugin.txt as MENU_CHOICE_PRIMARY_1
menu_additem(menu, choice_1, "1", 0); //Menu choice/case 1
format(choice_2, sizeof(choice_2), "%L", id, "MENU_CHOICE_2"); //Shows a menu message that's set in vipplugin.txt as MENU_CHOICE_PRIMARY_2
menu_additem(menu, choice_2, "2", 0); //Menu choice/case 2
if ( iTCount >= TR && iCTCount >= CT ) //Checks that each team has 5 or more people to AWP choice appear in the menu
if (awp_active == 1) //Checks if vips can get awp choice, 0 - no; 1 - yes
if ( CurrentRound >= awp_menu_round ) //Checks if current round is more or equal to 3, so AWP choice would come out
if( !bAwpMap ) //Checks if map is not one in awpmapnames.xfg, if so shows the fifth menu item
format(choice_3, sizeof(choice_3), "%L", id, "MENU_CHOICE_3"); //Shows a menu message that's set in vipplugin.txt as MENU_CHOICE_PRIMARY_5
menu_additem(menu, choice_3, "3", 0); //Menu choice/case 5
new menu_exit_name[64];
format(menu_exit_name, sizeof(menu_exit_name), "%L", id, "MENU_EXIT_NAME")
menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXITNAME, menu_exit_name)
menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL);
if(menu_number_color == 1) //Checks if menu_number_color is set to 3
menu_setprop(menu,MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\y"); // ets the number color to yello
else if(menu_number_color == 2) //Checks if menu_number_color is set to 3
menu_setprop(menu,MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\w"); //Sets the number color to white
else if(menu_number_color == 3) //Checks if menu_number_color is set to 3
menu_setprop(menu,MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\d"); //Sets the number color to grey
else //In any other case the menu_number_color is set to
menu_setprop(menu,MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\r"); //Sets the number color to red
menu_display(id, menu, 0)
public Pressedrod(id, menu, item)
if( item == MENU_EXIT ) //Checks if player clicks menu exit (0)
menu_destroy(menu); //If so the menu will be destroyed
new iFlashes = cs_get_user_bpammo( id, CSW_FLASHBANG );
new HasC4[33], HasHE[33], HasSG[33];
new weapons = pev(id, pev_weapons)
HasC4[id] = ( weapons & 1<<CSW_C4 )
HasHE[id] = ( weapons & 1<<CSW_HEGRENADE ) && cs_get_user_bpammo(id, CSW_HEGRENADE)
HasSG[id] = ( weapons & 1<<CSW_SMOKEGRENADE ) && cs_get_user_bpammo(id, CSW_SMOKEGRENADE)
new data[6], szName[64];
new access, callback;
menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, data,charsmax(data), szName,charsmax(szName), callback);
new key = str_to_num(data);
if(is_user_alive(id) && !g_bRoundEnd)
strip_user_weapons( id );
case 1: {
give_item(id,"weapon_m4a1") //Gives M4A1
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_M4A1, 90); //Sets M4A1 back pack ammo to 90
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "CHOSE_M4A1" ); //Shows a message that's set in vipplugin.txt as CHOSE_M4A1
case 2: {
give_item(id,"weapon_ak47") //Gives AK47
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AK47, 90); //Sets AK47 back pack ammo to 90
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "CHOSE_AK47" ); //Shows a message that's set in vipplugin.txt as CHOSE_AK47
case 3: {
give_item(id,"weapon_awp") //Gives AWP
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AWP, 30); //Sets AWP back pack ammo to 30
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "CHOSE_AWP" ); //Shows a message that's set in vipplugin.txt as CHOSE_AWP
if (HasC4[id])
give_item(id, "weapon_c4");
cs_set_user_plant( id );
set_pev(id, pev_body, 1);
if (HasHE[id])
give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade")
if (HasSG[id])
give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade");
if( iFlashes > 0 )
give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_FLASHBANG, iFlashes );
give_item(id,"weapon_knife") //Gives knife
give_item(id,"weapon_deagle") //Gives deagle
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35); //Sets deagle back pack ammo to 35
if(g_bHasBombSite && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT) //Checks if current map has bombsite
give_item(id, "item_thighpack"); //Gives defuse kit
gMenuUsed[id]++ //Makes sure that VIP really made a choice
menu_destroy(menu); //Destroys menu
public HandleCmd(id)
if (!get_pcvar_num(g_sniper_active)) //Checks if g_awp_active is disactivated (set to 0)
return PLUGIN_CONTINUE //If it is, let players buy snipers
if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG) //Checks if player has flag H
client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "SNIPER_ONLY_FOR_VIP" ); //Sends a message that snipers are only for VIP
public ShowMotd(id)
new contact[112];
get_cvar_string("vip_contactinfo", contact, 63)
new price[112];
get_cvar_string("vip_price", price, 63)
static MOTD[1501];
new len = formatex(MOTD, 1500,"<style type=text/css>body{background-color: #000000;font-family:Verdana,Tahoma;}</style>");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<font size=2 color=#e0a518><b><center>%L</center></b></font><br /><font size=1 color=#c0c0ff><UL>", id, "MOTD_LINE_01");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_02");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_03");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_04");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_05");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_06");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_07");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_08");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_09");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"%L", id, "MOTD_LINE_10");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<br>%L", id, "MOTD_LINE_11");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<br>%L", id, "MOTD_LINE_12");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI><br>", id, "MOTD_LINE_13");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<font size=1 color=#00c000><strong>%L</strong></font>", id, "MOTD_LINE_14")
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<br>%L %s", id, "MOTD_LINE_15", price)
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<br>%L <font color=#FF6600>%s</font>", id, "MOTD_LINE_16", contact);
new motd_name[64];
format(motd_name, 64, "%L", id, "WANTVIP_MOTD_NAME");
show_motd(id,MOTD, motd_name);
public client_putinserver(id)
if (!task_exists(id + 1000)) set_task(30.0, "PrintText", id + 1000) //Checks if task already exist, if not print text set in public PrintText
public PrintText(id)
if(color_msg == 1)
client_print_color( id, "%L", id, "PRINT_TEXT_COLORED" ); //Message which is sent
client_print_color( id, "%L", id, "PRINT_TEXT" ); //Message which is sent
public print_adminlist(user)
new id, count, x, len, adminnames[33][32];
for(id = 1 ; id <= MAXPLAYERS ; id++)
if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG)
get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], 31)
if(vips_list == 2 || vips_list == 3)
new contact[112];
get_cvar_string("vip_contactinfo", contact, 63)
new price[112];
get_cvar_string("vip_price", price, 63)
new Data[g_Buffer];
len = formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<html><center><font color=yellow>%L <font color=green>%s.<font color=yellow> %L <font color=green>%s</font><body bgcolor=Black>", user, "CONTACT", contact, user, "MOTD_LINE_15", price);
len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<br><table border=1 width=300 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#4A4344 style=color:#56A5EC;text-align:center;>");
len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer- len, "<tr><td><b>#</b></td><td><b>%L</b></td></tr>", user, "VIPS_ONLINE");
if(count > 0)
for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++)
len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<tr><td><font color=Red>%d</font></td>", x + 1);
len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<td>%s</td></tr>", adminnames[x]);
len += formatex(Data[len],g_Buffer - len,"</center></body></html>");
new motd_name[64];
format(motd_name, 64, "%L", user, "WANTVIP_MOTD_NAME");
show_motd(user, Data, motd_name);
if(vips_list == 1 || vips_list == 3)
new message[256], contact[112]
if(color_msg == 1)
len = format(message, 255, "%L", user, "VIPS_ONLINE_COLORED", COLOR)
len = format(message, 255, "%L", user, "VIPS_ONLINE")
if(count > 0)
for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++)
len += format(message[len], 255-len, " %s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"")
if(len > 96 )
client_print_color(user, message)
if(color_msg == 1)
len = format(message, 255, "%s",COLOR)
len = format(message, 255, "")
client_print_color(user, message)
len += format(message[len], 255-len, " %L", id, "NO_VIPS_ONLINE")
client_print_color(user, message)
get_cvar_string("vip_contactinfo", contact, charsmax(contact))
if(color_msg == 1)
client_print_color(user, "%L %s", user, "CONTACT_COLORED", contact)
client_print_color(user, "%L %s", user, "CONTACT", contact)
stock fm_set_user_model(player, modelname[])
engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientKeyValue, player, engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player), "model", modelname)
g_model[player] = true
stock fm_get_user_model(player, model[], len)
engfunc(EngFunc_InfoKeyValue, engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player), "model", model, len)
stock fm_reset_user_model(player)
g_model[player] = false
dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientUserInfoChanged, player, engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player))
get_user_flashed(id, &iPercent=0)
new Float:flFlashedAt = get_pdata_float(id, m_flFlashedAt)
if( !flFlashedAt )
return 0
new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime()
new Float:flTimeLeft = flGameTime - flFlashedAt
new Float:flFlashDuration = get_pdata_float(id, m_flFlashDuration)
new Float:flFlashHoldTime = get_pdata_float(id, m_flFlashHoldTime)
new Float:flTotalTime = flFlashHoldTime + flFlashDuration
if( flTimeLeft > flTotalTime )
return 0
new iFlashAlpha = get_pdata_int(id, m_iFlashAlpha)
if( iFlashAlpha == ALPHA_FULLBLINDED )
if( get_pdata_float(id, m_flFlashedUntil) - flGameTime > 0.0 )
iPercent = 100
iPercent = 100-floatround(((flGameTime - (flFlashedAt + flFlashHoldTime))*100.0)/flFlashDuration)
iPercent = 100-floatround(((flGameTime - flFlashedAt)*100.0)/flTotalTime)
return iFlashAlpha
stock client_print_color(const id, const input[], any:...)
new count = 1, players[32];
static msg[191];
vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^x04"); // Green Color
replace_all(msg, 190, "!n", "^x01"); // Default Color
replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^x03"); // Team Color
if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch");
for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (is_user_connected(players[i]))
message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i]);
Meniul armelor se dezactiveaza automat pe harti de tip awp_ , aim_ , 35hp , cs_
In fisierul lang creezi un document text cu numele vip.txt il deschizi si adaugi asta in el:
- Cod:
VIP_MENU_ROUND = VIP menu only from round %d!
VIP_MENU_WRONG_MAP = VIP menu doesn't work on this map!
VIP_MENU_PER_ROUND = VIP menu only %d time(-s) per round!
VIP_MENU_ONLY_FROM_ROUND_START = VIP menu can be used only from round start!
VIP_MENU_MUST_BE_ALIVE = You must be alive to use VIP menu!
SNIPER_ONLY_FOR_VIP = Snipers are only for VIP members!
PRINT_TEXT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Type in !t/wantvip!n and you will see how to get it and what !gVIP!n member can!
PRINT_TEXT_NORMAL = [VIP] Type in /wantvip and you will see how to get it and what VIP member can!
CHOSE_M4A1 = You succesfully got M4A1 with Deagle!
CHOSE_AK47 = You succesfully got AK47 with Deagle!
CHOSE_AWP = You succesfully got AWP with Deagle!
NEW_MENU = \rVIP menu:
MENU_CHOICE_1 = \yM4A1 with Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_2 = \yAK47 with Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_3 = \yAWP with Deagle!
VIPS_ONLINE_COLORED = %sVIP members online:
VIPS_ONLINE = VIP members online:
NO_VIPS_ONLINE = there aren't any.
HP_ADDED = Healed +%d HP!
MOTD_LINE_01 = What you get when you are VIP?
MOTD_LINE_02 = Free grenade set every round. (HE,2FB,SG)
MOTD_LINE_03 = Free armor, helmet and defuse kit every round.
MOTD_LINE_04 = 500$ per kill and 800$ per head shot kill.
MOTD_LINE_05 = 15HP per kill and 30HP per head shot kill.
MOTD_LINE_06 = VIP members can see bullet damage.
MOTD_LINE_07 = Only VIP members can buy snipers. (AWP, G3SG1, SG550).
MOTD_LINE_08 = VIP members can write in admin chat (example: "@Hello").
MOTD_LINE_09 = From second round VIP will get VIP menu which contains:
MOTD_LINE_10 = 1. M4A1 with Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_11 = 2. AK47 with Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_12 = 3. AWP with Deagle. (If there are 5 people in each team and map is large enough)
MOTD_LINE_13 = Write /vips to see if there are any VIP members online.
MOTD_LINE_14 = How much VIP costs?
MOTD_LINE_15 = VIP price is:
MOTD_LINE_16 = If you want to buy VIP, contact us through:
CONTACT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Contact Server Admin --!g
CONTACT = [VIP] Contact Server Admin --
VIP_MENU_ROUND = VIP meniu tik nuo %d raundo!
VIP_MENU_WRONG_MAP = VIP meniu šitame žemelapyje neveikia!
VIP_MENU_PER_ROUND = VIP meniu tik %d kart per raundą!
VIP_MENU_ONLY_FROM_ROUND_START = VIP galima naudoti tik nuo raundo pradžios!
VIP_MENU_MUST_BE_ALIVE = Turi būti gyvas, kad gautum VIP meniu!
SNIPER_ONLY_FOR_VIP = Snaiperiai tik VIP nariams!
PRINT_TEXT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Rašyk !t/noriuvip!n ir pamatysi, kaip jį gauti, bei ką !gVIP!n nariai gali!
PRINT_TEXT_NORMAL = [VIP] Rašyk /noriuvip ir pamatysi, kaip jį gauti, bei ką VIP nariai gali!
CHOSE_M4A1 = Sėkmingai gavai M4A1 su Deagle!
CHOSE_AK47 = Sėkmingai gavai AK47 su Deagle!
CHOSE_AWP = Sėkmingai gavai AWP su Deagle!
NEW_MENU = \rVIP meniu:
MENU_CHOICE_1 = \yM4A1 su Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_2 = \yAK47 su Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_3 = \yAWP su Deagle!
VIPS_ONLINE_COLORED = %sPrisijungę VIP nariai:
VIPS_ONLINE = Prisijungę VIP nariai:
HP_ADDED = Pagydytas +%d HP!
MOTD_LINE_01 = Ką gauni būdamas VIP?Ž
MOTD_LINE_02 = Granatū komplektą kiekvieną raundą. (HE,2FB,SG)
MOTD_LINE_03 = Šarvus, šalmą ir išminavimo įrankius kiekvieną raundą.
MOTD_LINE_04 = 500$ už nužudymą ir 800$ už nužudymą į galvą.
MOTD_LINE_05 = 15HP už nužudymą ir 30HP už nužudyma į galvą.
MOTD_LINE_06 = VIP gali matyti kulkų žalą realiu laiku.
MOTD_LINE_07 = Tik VIP gali pirkti snaiperius. (AWP, G3SG1, SG550).
MOTD_LINE_08 = VIP gali rašyti admin čate (pavyzdžiui: "@Sveiki").
MOTD_LINE_09 = Nuo antro raundo VIP gaus VIP menių, kurį sudaro:
MOTD_LINE_10 = 1. M4A1 ir Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_11 = 2. AK47 ir Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_12 = 3. AWP ir Deagle. (Jeigu kiekivenoje komandoje yra po 5 žaidejus ir žemelapis pakankamai didelis)
MOTD_LINE_13 = Rašyk /vips, kad pamatytum prisijungusius VIP narius.
MOTD_LINE_14 = Kiek VIP kainuoja?
MOTD_LINE_15 = VIP kaina:
MOTD_LINE_16 = Jeigu nori pirkti VIP, susisiek su mumis per:
CONTACT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Susisiek su Serverio Admin --!g
CONTACT = [VIP] Susisiek su Serverio Admin --
VIP_MENU_ROUND = VIP menu dostepne od %d rundy!
VIP_MENU_WRONG_MAP = Nie mozesz uzyc VIP menu na tej mapie.
VIP_MENU_PER_ROUND = VIP menu mozesz uzyc tylko %d na runde.
VIP_MENU_ONLY_FROM_ROUND_START = VIP menu moze byc uzyte tylko przy poczatku rundy.
VIP_MENU_MUST_BE_ALIVE = Musisz zyc aby tego uzyc.
SNIPER_ONLY_FOR_VIP = Snajperki tylko dla VIP.
PRINT_TEXT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Wpisz na czacie !t/chciecvip!n aby zobaczyc jak zdobyc oraz !n co moze !gVIP!n!
PRINT_TEXT_NORMAL = [VIP] Wpisz na czacie /chciecvip aby zobaczyc jak zdobyc oraz !n co moze VIP!
CHOSE_M4A1 = Dostales M4A1 oraz Deagle!
CHOSE_AK47 = Dostales AK47 oraz Deagle!
CHOSE_AWP = Dostales AWP oraz Deagle!
NEW_MENU = \rVIP menu:
MENU_CHOICE_1 = \yM4A1 oraz Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_2 = \yAK47 oraz Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_3 = \yAWP oraz Deagle!
VIPS_ONLINE_COLORED = %sVipy online:
VIPS_ONLINE = Vipy online:
NO_VIPS_ONLINE = brak VIP online.
HP_ADDED = Uzdrowienie +%d HP!
MOTD_LINE_01 = Co dostajesz bedac vipem?
MOTD_LINE_02 = Darmowe granaty poczatkiem rundy. (HE,2FB,SG)
MOTD_LINE_03 = Darmowy armour + helm oraz defuser dla CT.
MOTD_LINE_04 = 500$ za killa 800$ za headshota.
MOTD_LINE_05 = 15HP za killa 30HP za headshota.
MOTD_LINE_06 = Widzisz obrazenia ktore zadajesz/ktore sa zadawane tobie.
MOTD_LINE_07 = Tylko vip moze kupowac karabiny snajperskie (AWP, G3SG1, SG550).
MOTD_LINE_08 = VIP moze uzywac admin chat (np.: "@Hello").
MOTD_LINE_09 = Od drugiej rundy mozesz za darmo wybrac ponizsze bronuie
MOTD_LINE_10 = 1. M4A1 z Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_11 = 2. AK47 z Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_12 = 3. AWP z Deagle. (gdy w kazdej druzynie jest 5 lub wiecej graczy i gdy mapa jest odp. duza)
MOTD_LINE_13 = Wpisz /vips aby wyswietlic liste vipow grajacych na serwerze,
MOTD_LINE_14 = Ile kosztuje VIP?
MOTD_LINE_15 = Cena VIPa to:
MOTD_LINE_16 = Jezeli chcesz zakupic vipa skontaktuj sie z nami przez:
CONTACT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Skontaktuj sie z Server Admin --!g
CONTACT = [VIP] Skontaktuj sie z Server Admin --
VIP_MENU_ROUND = Le menu VIP est disponible à partir du %d round!
VIP_MENU_WRONG_MAP = Le menu VIP ne marche pas sur cette map!
VIP_MENU_PER_ROUND = Le menu VIP ne fonctionne que %d fois par round!
VIP_MENU_ONLY_FROM_ROUND_START = Le menu VIP ne peut être utilisé que depuis le début du round!
VIP_MENU_MUST_BE_ALIVE = Vous devez être en vie pour utiliser le menu VIP!
SNIPER_ONLY_FOR_VIP = Les fusils de snipers ne sont disponibles que pour les membres VIP!
PRINT_TEXT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Tapez !t/vouloirvip!n et vous verrez comment obtenir les privilèges des membres !gVIP!n!
PRINT_TEXT_NORMAL = [VIP] Tapez /vouloirvip et vous verrez comment obtenir les privilèges des membres VIP!
CHOSE_M4A1 = Vous venez de recevoir un M4A1 avec Deagle!
CHOSE_AK47 = Vous venez de recevoir un AK47 avec Deagle!
CHOSE_AWP = Vous venez de recevoir un AWP avec Deagle!
NEW_MENU = \rMenu VIP:
MENU_CHOICE_1 = \yM4A1 avec Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_2 = \yAK47 avec Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_3 = \yAWP avec Deagle!
VIPS_ONLINE_COLORED = %sMembres VIP en ligne:
VIPS_ONLINE = Membres VIP en ligne:
NO_VIPS_ONLINE = Il n'y a aucun membre VIP .
HP_ADDED = Guéri +%d HP!
MOTD_LINE_01 = Les Aventages du Vip:
MOTD_LINE_02 = Des Grenades gratuites chaque round. (HE,2FB,SG)
MOTD_LINE_03 = Une armor, helmet et un kit de defuse gratuitement chaque round.
MOTD_LINE_04 = 500$ par meurtre et 800$ par Head-Shot.
MOTD_LINE_05 = 15HP par meurtre et 30HP par Head-Shot.
MOTD_LINE_06 = Les vips peuvent voir les balles en temps réel
MOTD_LINE_07 = Les Vips seulement peuvent acheter des Snaipers. (AWP, G3SG1, SG550).
MOTD_LINE_08 = Les vips peuvent écrire dans la discussuion pour admin "admin chat"(example: "@Hello").
MOTD_LINE_09 = À Partir du 2éme round le "Menu vip" s'affichera pour les vips .Il contient:
MOTD_LINE_10 = 1. M4A1 avec Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_11 = 2. AK47 avec Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_12 = 3. AWP avec Deagle. (Si il y a 5 joueurs dans chaque équipe et si la Map est grande)
MOTD_LINE_13 = Écrit /vips pour voir les vips en ligne.
MOTD_LINE_14 = Quel est le prix du vip?
MOTD_LINE_15 = Le prix du vip est:
MOTD_LINE_16 = Si vous voulez acheter un vip, contactez:
CONTACT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Contactez Server Admin --!g
CONTACT = [VIP] Contactez Server Admin --
VIP_MENU_ROUND = VIP menu nur fuer Runde %d!
VIP_MENU_WRONG_MAP = VIP menu funktioniert auf dieser Map nicht!
VIP_MENU_PER_ROUND = VIP menu nur %d-mal per Runde!
VIP_MENU_ONLY_FROM_ROUND_START = VIP menu kann nur zu Rundenbeginn verwendet werden!
VIP_MENU_MUST_BE_ALIVE = Du musst am Leben sein um das VIP menu zu benutzen!
SNIPER_ONLY_FOR_VIP = Snipers sind nur fuer VIP Mitglieder!
PRINT_TEXT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Schreibe !t/wantvip!n und du wirst erfahren wie du einer wirst und was ein !gVIP!n Mitglied kann!
PRINT_TEXT_NORMAL = [VIP] Schreibe /wantvip und du wirst erfahren wie du einer wirst und was ein VIP Mitglied kann!
CHOSE_M4A1 = Du hast erfolgreich eine M4A1 und eine Deagle erhalten!
CHOSE_AK47 = Du hast erfolgreich eine AK47 und eine Deagle erhalten!
CHOSE_AWP = Du hast erfolgreich eine AWP und eine Deagle erhalten!
NEW_MENU = \rVIP menu:
MENU_CHOICE_1 = \yM4A1 mit Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_2 = \yAK47 mit Deagle!
MENU_CHOICE_3 = \yAWP mit Deagle!
VIPS_ONLINE_COLORED = %sVIP Mitglieder online:
VIPS_ONLINE = VIP Mitglieder online:
MOTD_LINE_01 = Was du als VIP bekommst?
MOTD_LINE_02 = Gratis Granatenset jede Runde. (HE, 2FB, SG)
MOTD_LINE_03 = Gratis Ruestung, Helm und Entschaerfungskit jede Runde.
MOTD_LINE_04 = 500§ pro Kill und $800 pro Kopfschuss-Kill.
MOTD_LINE_05 = 15 HP pro Kill und 30HP pro Kopfschuss-Kill.
MOTD_LINE_06 = VIP Mitglieder koennen die Schadensanzeige sehen.
MOTD_LINE_07 = Nur VIP Mitglieder koennen Snipers kaufen. (AWP, G3SG1, SG550).
MOTD_LINE_08 = VIP Mitglieder koennen im Admin-Chat schreiben (z.B. : "@Hallo").
MOTD_LINE_09 = Von der zweiten Runde an erscheint bei den VIPs ein Menu mit folgendem Inhalt:
MOTD_LINE_10 = 1. M4A1 plus Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_11 = 2. AK47 plus Deagle.
MOTD_LINE_12 = 3. AWP plus Deagle. (Bedingung: Jedes Team besteht als mindestens 5 Leuten und die Map ist gross genug)
MOTD_LINE_13 = Schreibe /vips in den Chat um zu sehen ob ein VIP online ist.
MOTD_LINE_14 = Wie viel VIP kostet?
MOTD_LINE_15 = VIP kostet:
MOTD_LINE_16 = Falls du VIP kaufen moechtest, Kontakt:
CONTACT_COLORED = !g[VIP]!n Kontakt Server Admin --!g
CONTACT = [VIP] Kontakt Server Admin --
Apoi salvezi.
mindfreak.- Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 150 de posturi !Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin 4 grupuri.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de mulțumireFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când oferi o mulțumire !Medalie de apreciereFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 1 mesaj apreciat !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 15000 de puncte!Utilizatori urmăriți !Felicitari ! Urmărești 5 membrii !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !Medalia prietenieiFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 15 de prieteni !Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 175 de subiecte !
Pet :
Mesaje : 338
Puncte : 28784
Multumiri primite: : 105
Data de înscriere : 24/10/2022
Varsta : 26
Re: Cerere Vip Free
Your plugin failed to compile! Read the errors below:
Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team
/tmp/textbF1gA0.sma(237) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
/tmp/textbF1gA0.sma(241) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 4)
/tmp/textbF1gA0.sma(243) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
3 Errors.
Could not locate output file /home/groups/amxmodx/public_html/websc3/textbF1gA0.amx (compile failed).
Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team
/tmp/textbF1gA0.sma(237) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
/tmp/textbF1gA0.sma(241) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 4)
/tmp/textbF1gA0.sma(243) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
3 Errors.
Could not locate output file /home/groups/amxmodx/public_html/websc3/textbF1gA0.amx (compile failed).
dmt- Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin un grup.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 4000 de puncte!Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 10 subiecte !Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 25 posturi !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !
Pet : Test
Mesaje : 26
Puncte : 31480
Multumiri primite: : 7
Data de înscriere : 03/05/2023
Re: Cerere Vip Free
[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
Uite aici si sma. Testeaza si vezi daca merge.
Uite aici si sma. Testeaza si vezi daca merge.
- Cod:
#include <amxmodx>
#include < amxmisc >
const TASK_ID = 258;
new task_set = 0;
new inceput,
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Dam la saraci vip", "2.0", "cyby // editat de LOL")
inceput = register_cvar( "vip_start", "19" );
sfarsit = register_cvar( "vip_end", "10" )
flag_vip = register_cvar( "vip_flag", "524288" )
public client_putinserver(id)
new o, m, s;
time(o, m, s)
if(o >= get_pcvar_num( inceput ) && o < get_pcvar_num( sfarsit ))
if( get_user_flags(id) != get_pcvar_num( flag_vip ) || !( get_user_flags( id ) & get_pcvar_num( flag_vip ) ) )
set_user_flags(id, get_pcvar_num( flag_vip ))
set_task(3.0, "mesaj", id)
set_task(1.0, "hud_mess", _, _, _, "b")
set_task(60.0, "incepe", id)
set_task(60.0, "terminare", id)
if( !task_set )
set_task( 60.0, "recheck", TASK_ID, _, _, "b" ); // task pus la 1 minut pentru a functiona corect
task_set = 1;
public recheck()
time( h, _, _ );
if( h >= 23 )
new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum, i;
get_players( iPlayers, iNum );
for( i = 0; i < iNum; i++ )
remove_user_flags( iPlayers[ i ] );
server_cmd( "amx_reloadadmins" );
remove_task( TASK_ID );
task_set = 0;
public incepe(id)
new o, m, s;
time(o, m, s)
if(o == get_pcvar_num( inceput ) )
ColorChat(id, "!t[WARFACE.RO] !nEventul!t VIP Acces FREE !na inceput !g!")
public terminare(id)
new o, m, s;
time(o, m, s)
if(o == get_pcvar_num( sfarsit ) )
ColorChat(id, "!t[WARFACE.RO] !nEventul!t VIP Acces FREE !ns-a terminat !g!")
public hud_mess()
new o, m, s;
time(o, m, s)
if(o >= get_pcvar_num( inceput ) && o < get_pcvar_num( sfarsit ))
set_hudmessage(random(0), random(255), random(0), 0.00, 0.17, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1)
show_hudmessage(0, "Event VIP FREE !")
public mesaj(id)
if( get_user_flags(id) != get_pcvar_num( flag_vip ) || !( get_user_flags( id ) & get_pcvar_num( flag_vip ) ) )
ColorChat(id, "!t[WARFACE.RO]!nAi primit!t VIP Acces !npentru ca este event!t VIP Acces Free !nintre orele!g %d:00 !nsi!g %d:00 !n!", get_pcvar_num( inceput ), get_pcvar_num( sfarsit ))
stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
new count = 1, players[32];
static msg[191];
vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4");
replace_all(msg, 190, "!n", "^1");
replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3");
if(id) players[0] = id;
else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if(is_user_connected(players[i])) {
message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i]);
mindfreak.- Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 150 de posturi !Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin 4 grupuri.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de mulțumireFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când oferi o mulțumire !Medalie de apreciereFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 1 mesaj apreciat !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 15000 de puncte!Utilizatori urmăriți !Felicitari ! Urmărești 5 membrii !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !Medalia prietenieiFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 15 de prieteni !Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 175 de subiecte !
Pet :
Mesaje : 338
Puncte : 28784
Multumiri primite: : 105
Data de înscriere : 24/10/2022
Varsta : 26
Re: Cerere Vip Free
[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link] am gasit eu il las aici daca are nevoie si sa puna asa in amxx.cfg
spv_menu 1 = Arata meniu
spv_awp 1 = Doar VIP pot cumpara AWP
spv_menuremove 15 = Fa meniul sa dispara dupa X secunde (15 secunde default)
spv_he 1 = Jucatorul VIP primeste HE
spv_smoke 1 = Jucatorul VIP primeste Smoke
spv_fb 1 = Jucatorul VIP primeste 1 Flash
spv_fb2 1 = Jucatorul VIP primeste al 2-lea Flash
spv_def 1 = Primeste Defuse Kit daca jucatorul este CT
spv_damage 1 = Arata damage-ul dat inamicului / coechipierului
spv_hh 1 = Happy Hour (Free-VIP)
spv_infohud 1 = Arata informatii despre Happy Hour
spv_start 7 = Cand incepe Happy Hour (10pm = 22 / 10am = 10)
spv_end 7 = Cand se termina Happy Hour
spv_armor 1 = Ofera Armura Mare (Kevlar + Helmet) jucatorului VIP
spv_roundsmenu 3 =
spv_menu 1 = Arata meniu
spv_awp 1 = Doar VIP pot cumpara AWP
spv_menuremove 15 = Fa meniul sa dispara dupa X secunde (15 secunde default)
spv_he 1 = Jucatorul VIP primeste HE
spv_smoke 1 = Jucatorul VIP primeste Smoke
spv_fb 1 = Jucatorul VIP primeste 1 Flash
spv_fb2 1 = Jucatorul VIP primeste al 2-lea Flash
spv_def 1 = Primeste Defuse Kit daca jucatorul este CT
spv_damage 1 = Arata damage-ul dat inamicului / coechipierului
spv_hh 1 = Happy Hour (Free-VIP)
spv_infohud 1 = Arata informatii despre Happy Hour
spv_start 7 = Cand incepe Happy Hour (10pm = 22 / 10am = 10)
spv_end 7 = Cand se termina Happy Hour
spv_armor 1 = Ofera Armura Mare (Kevlar + Helmet) jucatorului VIP
spv_roundsmenu 3 =
dmt- Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin un grup.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 4000 de puncte!Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 10 subiecte !Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 25 posturi !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !
Pet : Test
Mesaje : 26
Puncte : 31480
Multumiri primite: : 7
Data de înscriere : 03/05/2023
dmt- Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin un grup.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 4000 de puncte!Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 10 subiecte !Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 25 posturi !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !
Pet : Test
Mesaje : 26
Puncte : 31480
Multumiri primite: : 7
Data de înscriere : 03/05/2023
Re: Cerere Vip Free
Iti si eu
in caz ca mai vine vreodata cineva cu o problema asemanatoare
in caz ca mai vine vreodata cineva cu o problema asemanatoare
mindfreak.- Medalia TopicurilorInsigna pentru crearea a 150 de posturi !Medalia grupurilorFelicitari ! Dacă ai această insignă înseamnă că faci parte din cel puțin 4 grupuri.Primul topic creatFelicitari ! Ai primit aceasă insignă pentru primul tau topic făcut la noi pe forum !Medalie de mulțumireFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când oferi o mulțumire !Medalie de apreciereFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 1 mesaj apreciat !Medalie de puncteDisponibilă la 15000 de puncte!Utilizatori urmăriți !Felicitari ! Urmărești 5 membrii !Medalia vechimii [ani]Ai 365 de zile de când ești alături de noi !Medalia prietenieiFelicitari ! Această insignă se obține când ai 15 de prieteni !Medalie participare subiecteInsigna pentru participarea la 175 de subiecte !
Pet :
Mesaje : 338
Puncte : 28784
Multumiri primite: : 105
Data de înscriere : 24/10/2022
Varsta : 26
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